Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? – ESA Pet

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

ESA Pet Staff

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Medically reviewed by Nelly Chu

If you love fruit salad, then you know that small pineapple chunks make it go from good to great. Pineapples are sweet, tangy and also make tasty tropical drinks. It is therefore normal to wonder if your dog can also enjoy a sweet treat of pineapples as much as you do. So the big question is, can dogs eat pineapple? And if yes, is pineapple good for dogs?

So, Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Yes, Dogs can eat small, raw pineapple chunks. Like bananas and strawberries, pineapple is safe for dogs. Pineapples can be an occasional healthy treat for your dog. Pineapples contain many nutrients that can support your dog’s digestive system and immunity. Raw pineapple is especially great for dogs when given in small quantities. However, monitoring your dog when you introduce a new food is important. Also, check with your vet to ensure your dog has no underlying health conditions that wouldn’t agree with this tropical fruit.

What Are the Health Benefits of Pineapple to Dogs?

What Are the Health Benefits of Pineapple to Dogs?

Dog owners are always looking for ways to keep their pets happy and healthy. Pineapples contain some essential nutrients that are highly beneficial to dogs. Here are some of the health benefits that come with eating pineapple.

  • It contains the enzyme bromelain, which assists in malabsorption issues. This helps to correct the bad habit of eating poop.
  • Raw pineapple contains Vitamin B6, which helps in many body functions like the metabolism of fats, protein, and carbohydrates. This can also lead to a health coat and healthy skin.
  • It contains Vitamin C, which provides the dog’s body with antioxidants, boosting their immune system. Like with humans, Vitamin C is great for dogs.
  • It contains thiamin, which helps the dog to turn carbohydrates into energy. Thiamin also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It contains copper which is good for red blood cells. If your dog eats pineapple, it is good for your dog’s stomach.
  • It contains riboflavin which helps dogs to produce red blood cells.This aids in both brain and body functions.
  • Raw pineapple also contains manganese which helps dogs develop strong bones and connective tissues. This is super helpful for your dog’s health.
  • The niacin in pineapple will help keep cholesterol in control and boost brain function.

Is Pineapple Safe for a Dog’s Digestive System?

Fresh fruit is usually good for dogs, but there are instances where it is not. Pineapple is very nutritious for most dogs, but it can also be unsafe in certain proportions and instances. Let us discuss some of the ways pineapple can harm your dog.

Pineapples can cause digestive issues in dogs when taken in large quantities. Pineapple is rich in fiber content. In small amounts, this is a great quality, but too much of it can lead to constipation or diarrhea.

Another drawback is that pineapples are packed with too much sugar. This could pose a risk of your dog developing diabetes. It is much worse for many dogs with this pre-existing condition as it makes their situation worse.

The tough central pineapple core and spiny outer pineapple layer can also cause intestinal blockages. Avoid feeding your dog these parts of a pineapple. Additionally, pineapples contain high acid content. This can wear down the dog’s tooth enamel and even speed up tooth decay.

How to Healthily Feed Pineapple to Your Dog

You can take certain measures to ensure pineapple does not harm your dog in any way. Here are some of the things to consider when feeding pineapple to your dog;

Feed Small Quantities

Like most human foods, feeding your dog pineapple in large quantities can lead to an upset stomach. This is just a nice dog treat to have every now and then. While the high fiber is good, too much of it can cause problems in your dog’s digestive tract. To avoid all these, it is wise for them to only eat pineapple a few chunks.

Be Mindful of the Sugar Content

Pineapples are rich in natural sugar that some dogs do not tolerate well. Talk to your vet before introducing pineapples to your dog. If your dog has underlying health issues like diabetes, you should not feed them pineapple. Also, monitor your dog to see how they respond to whole foods with high sugar content. If the response is negative, avoid feeding them pineapple completely.

Only Feed Pineapple Flesh

Just like humans don’t eat all the parts of a pineapple, so do dogs. Do not feed dogs the spiny outer skin of a pineapple, the hard inner core, or the spiky green crown. These parts of pineapple are difficult for the dog to digest and could pose a choking hazard. These parts could also cause a blockage in your dog’s bowels. The hard inner core also contains high fiber content and can lead to an upset stomach.

To avoid all these issues, only feed your pooch the fleshy part of a pineapple. These parts are good for the dog’s immune system and can benefit the dog in many ways. You can buy fresh pineapple chunks without the core and skin at the grocery store.

Avoid Pineapple Juice and Canned Pineapple

While pineapple juice sounds like a delicious drink to humans, it is not the case for dogs. Juice typically has added sugar, which can cause many problems for your dog.

Dogs eat canned pineapple, but it is not good for them. Canned pineapple contains added sugar and syrups. These additives give the pineapple an unnaturally amounts of sugar that is destructive for dogs. Although it is safe for dogs, over time this can not only cause diabetes but can also lead to obesity.

How Should I Feed Pineapple to My Dog?

How Should I Feed Pineapple to My Dog?

After learning how to feed your dog pineapples safely, it is good to know the different ways you can prepare it. If your dog enjoys the taste of pineapple, here are some ways to prepare it as a treat.

Fresh Pineapple

Fresh pineapple is great for dogs. All you need to do is remove the spiny outer skin and the hard inner core. Cut the pineapple into smaller cube-like shapes. Small sizes are best so that they don’t choke on it. Feed your dog small quantities.

Frozen Pineapple

During hot summer months or days, freezing a few chunks and giving them to your dog can be a great treat. Frozen pineapple would be great for your dog whenever the temperatures are high and it calls for a cool healthy treat. Again, remember to keep the chunks small so they are not a choking hazard to your dog, so cut them into bite-sized pieces for great frozen treats.

Dried Pineapple

While dried pineapple is good, it is important not to lose sight of portion control. This is because despite removing the water, the sugar content remains the same. It is easy to forget portion control with dried pineapple because they already look smaller but remember the sugar content is still the same.

Mixing it in Yogurt

You can mix pineapples in yoghurt with a healthy fruit like blueberries, watermelon, and banana slices. If you are getting your dog used to a new dog food, you can sprinkle this on top. Feed your pooch small amounts to avoid issues.

Doggie Ice Cream

Dogs can eat pineapple in ice cream. Mix some pineapple with puree yogurt and some cooked sweet potatoes, then freeze. This makes a tasty doggie ice cream treat for your dog. Once it is frozen, scoop and give it to your dog as an ice cream snack. Your dog will love it. Again, this is just a treat and shouldn’t be their new dog food.

Pureed Pineapple

Pureed pineapple is also another great way to feed pineapples to your dog. These are pineapples frozen in ice cube trays; it makes for a great frozen treat! Pureed pineapples are the way to go if your dog needs extra hydration. This is a super tasty treat your dog will love.

Final Thoughts

Your dog can eat pineapples. It is a healthy alternative to most packaged treats that often do more harm than good to your dog. Pineapples have numerous nutritional benefits. It can help boost your dog’s immune system and also help solve certain digestive issues.

However, it is important to remember portion control always. Feed your pooch only small portions of pineapple and in small bites. Remember to talk to your vet before introducing new foods to your dog. In case of underlying issues like diabetes, feeding your poochpi pineapples is not recommended. Pineapples are not a replacement for dog food. It is a healthy, occasional treat, but don’t let it replace your dog’s diet.

ESA Pet Staff